Make an online donation by clicking on the button. If you are making the donation in memory of or in honor a person or pet and would like an acknowledgement sent, there is a place where the form says +Add A Note and tell us how to notify the honoree. If you miss that, which is easy to do, then please include the honoree's contact information in a separate email to after making your donation.
Please note, we are not affiliated with the Howard County Animal Welfare Society!
Contact us at if you have questions about a donation. Because of the generosity of supplies received rountinely from the public, these are the items we could most use right now:
- Gift cards from Pet Barn, Petsmart, or Petco so we can buy emergency food and supplies as needed
- Financial donations to be used for medical care
- Some of our veterinary offices offer gift cards
- Canned or dry cat food
Are you an Amazon shopper? Click on the logo below before you shop to link to Animal Advocates of Howard County. It doesn't cost you anything but Amazon will donate a percentage of your purchase! Thank you!
The Animal Advocates Recycling-Fundraiser Program
Collect empty (or full!) inkjet and laser cartridges (and digital cell phones)
- Animal Advocates receives up to $5 for each inkjet cartridge, $1-12 for each laser toner, and $5.00 for each digital cell phone (working or not)
- We accept all original equipment manufactured (OEM) inkjet and laser toner cartridges (e.g. name brand types like HP, Canon, Dell, etc). We cannot recycle remanufactured (refilled) cartridges (e.g. store brand or "compatible" cartridges).
- Cartridges and cell phones can be dropped off at the Howard County Animal Control and Adoption Facility, 8576 Davis Road (Off 108 E), Columbia, Maryland. A collection box is located between the two entrance doors. Please leave bulky and/or multiple laser toners at the main counter. Donations can also be dropped off at Animal Advocates events.
- Students: if you're interested in organizing cartridge collections at your school, please contact us for information to get you started. Your effort will benefit your community as well as the environment. You can make a difference!
- Questions can be directed to (mark the email with Attn: Cindy S.)
Donate Your Car
Don't junk that car! If your car is in running order, help Animal Advocates out by donating your cars(s), truck(s) and/or recreational vehicle(s).
Free towing is provided along with a tax receipt.
Email us for more information .
Where Does My Money Go? Your $10 donation will buy educational materials to teach 30 schoolchildren the importance of being kind to animals. Your $25 donation will provide enough treats to make the shelter cats and dogs happy for one week. Your $50 donation will spay a female cat for a low-income family, thereby preventing her and her offspring from producing 420,000 additional kittens. Your $75 donation will spay a female dog for a needy neighbor, thereby preventing her and her offspring from producing 67,000 additional puppies. Your $100 donation will buy a week of safety at a local kennel for a dog on death row.
Donation Form Send to: Animal Advocates • P.O. Box 1403 • Ellicott City, MD 21041 Your Donations are fully tax-deductible
$25 - Individual membership $35 - Family $ 5 - Student and Senior
Please indicate your level of interest:
____ I am joining, and will call or accept a call to become involved. ____ I am joining, and woud like to be notified occasionally to help with special events. ____ I am not able to donate my time, but would like to support your efforts monetarily.
I would like to make a donation in honor of/memory of:
ADDRESS ____________________________________________
CITY________________ STATE________ ZIP CODE_________
In addition, please consider purchasing a Maryland Animal Friendly License Plate to help remind everyone of the importance of spaying and neutering pets. Thank you for caring!