License Plates

Thanks for your interest in our animal-friendly license plate. Money raised through these plates will go directly into Animal Advocates' spay-neuter fund to help us continue our life-saving work. As you already may know, by spaying just one female cat or dog, it may be possible to spare literally thousands of unwanted kittens or puppies the misery of being homeless. There is no question: spaying and neutering is the best way to solve the pet overpopulation problem. With your help, we can help so many more animals.
How to Order the Maryland Animal-Friendly License Plate: -
Print out this page. -
Write your name and address, phone and e-mail at the bottom where indicated. -
Send $25 fee (checks payable to Animal Advocates) to Animal Advocates of Howard County, P.O. Box 1403, Ellicott City, MD 21041 -
Include a stamped self-addressed envelope. -
We will send you an application form. Complete it and mail an additional $25 to the MVA. Your total fee will be $50 -
MVA will mail your special license plates directly to you. Upon receipt of the new tags, return your current plates to the MVA for cancellation. The MVA on Dobbin Road in Columbia will accept your current plates. Thanks so much !! NAME:_______________________________________________
ADDRESS:___________________________________________ CITY:________________ STATE:_______ ZIP CODE:________
PHONE:_____________________________________________ E MAIL:_____________________________________________
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Animal Advocates of Howard County |
PO Box 1403 •
Ellicott City, MD 21041 (410) 880-2488 •